Be the smartest, be the strongest, be the DON!
Registered: 3435 Online: 0 Attacking: 0

Be the DON : Game Rules
I. At no time during the time you are playing should you ever get the idea that you can cheat and win.<br> If we find out that you have been cheating, you will be removed from the game.This is a major rule in our game.<br> <br> II. You are allowed to play only one game under your mafioso name, this means that you may not start additional accounts and think you will be able to win.<br> If you are running out of turns, buy turns. If we find out you are signing up under different names,we will remove you from the game entirely.<br> <br> III. You are responsible for anything you do using your IP address,<br> so remember that if you are using your computer and someone decides to play for you.<br> If you break the rules, we dont know it was someone else, so you can be removed permanently if anything happens that jeopardizes your account.<br> <br> IV. Dont abuse the RULES.<br> They are set up to allow you to play the game.<br> If you do abuse them and you are banned, from either that particular round or our site, dont complain.<br> We gave you fair warning.<br> <br> V. Leaking is allowed in our game, but not if you tell others on our message boards to give someone an advantage in winning.<br> Remember not everyone plays for free, and we have to protect the ones that are supporters.<br> <br> VI. Use our message boards for game purposes only. USE IT WISELY! <br> <br> VII. Credit cards and e-checks are available for you to purchase turns.<br> I dont think there is a need to tell you that fraudulent use of them is illegal.<br> If you should decide to use them fraudulently, you will prosecuted to the full extent of the law.<br> And you will automatically be removed from the game permanently.<br> <br> VIII. You are allowed to quit playing any game that you sign up for as long as you are just a member of a crew,<br> but if you are the founder of the crew, disband it first.<br> Allow those other crew members to find another crew to play with.<br> Just remember if you have purchased turns, we cannot give you credit back for them. <br> <br> IX. You may only set up attacks within your crew, doing so outside of them will not be allowed. So DONT do it! <br> <br> X. We will set up more rules as we go along. So if you want to be up-to-date, by all means, check the rules frequently.
© 2007 - 2012 Be the DON